HRH The Princess Royal visits The Thames Skills Academy

by May 31, 2022Alumni news

HRH The Princess Royal met members of The Thames Skills Academy (TSA) on 10 May, in a visit showcasing pioneering work to improve safety skills for everyone working on and beside the river.

At the end of her tour at Butler’s Wharf, led by TSA’s CEO Katherine Riggs and board member Chris Livett, Her Royal Highness commented how impressed she has been at how much the organisation has achieved since it was created five years ago.

Katherine Riggs said: “The Princess was extremely interested to hear about our work to develop bespoke safety training for everyone connected with the Thames, as the river gets busier.

“She also highlighted her own conviction, based on personal experience, that all river users need to make sure their lifejackets are always worn and fit properly.”

On 28 April, Katherine was joined at the Mansion House by Tideway’s Roger Bailey and the PLA’s Lucy Owen for the pandemic-delayed presentation by Her Royal Highness of a 2021 City & Guilds Princess Royal Training Awards.

Katherine explained: “The prestigious award was in recognition of our work with members and partners on a range of projects, including with SeaRegs Training, Tideway, BAM Nutall, working at London City Airport, and the PLA on the Thames Personal Riverside Training Course.

During the Butler’s Wharf visit, Beauty Marshall from the PLA and Uber Boat By Thames Clippers’ Lenny King (pictured) gave the Princess a demonstration of skills covered by the Personal Riverside Training Course, with SeaRegs’ Simon Jinks.

Lucy Owen told the Royal visitor: “We would like to see all construction workers alongside the river undertake this essential training on how to stay safe near water.  Our aim is for it to be the new norm, alongside riverside provision and maintenance of grab chains, ladders, lifebuoys and other life-saving equipment.”

The Princess also presented Clémence Barbie with a certificate recognising her outstanding commitment to learning during her Boatmaster Apprenticeship, a national scheme, established by the TSA with the Trailblazer Group of employees, which she started at the City Cruises and completed at the PLA.  


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