53 Princess Royal Training Awards across UK and Ireland for achieving positive impact through skills development

by Aug 15, 2023Awards news

  • HRH The Princess Royal, President of the City and Guilds of London Institute, has approved 53 Awards to a range of organisations across the UK and Ireland, for their outstanding training and skills development programmes, all of which have shown a significant positive impact on their organisation and people.
  • Award applicant numbers increased significantly this year with 145 organisations applying overall from UK and Ireland – up from 91 in 2022 (an increase of 54) – with London being the region to score the highest, with 38 applications.
  • 70 per cent of applicants (102 organisations) have applied to the awards for the first time this year, with over 30 per cent of these coming from new contacts.
  • For the first time this year, the Princess Royal Training Awards have been extended to organisations in Ireland, in recognition of achieving the required standard of excellence.
  • Key emerging themes in 2023 include: an emphasis on skills development for rapid recovery and adaptability, and the significant effects of investing in leadership and management.
  • Performance by sector: construction and engineering, hospitality, manufacturing and recruitment sectors all show an increase in application numbers since 2022. Education and training see the highest number of applicants with 20; followed by construction and engineering with 19; pharmaceuticals and healthcare with 15; banking and finance with 14.

15 August 2023: City & Guilds is today announcing 53 Princess Royal Training Awards across UK and Ireland to organisations achieving positive impact through skills development.

Now in its eighth year, The Princess Royal Training Awards continue to honour organisations showing exceptional commitment to learning and development. As skills shortages rise and job vacancies double across the UK and Ireland, engaging learning programmes for growing and retaining talent have become more crucial than ever before.

Among this year’s 53 award-winning recipients, are a mix of small not-for-profit organisations and large multinationals, each showcasing a refreshing display of diverse and innovative approaches to learning and development.

Henry Ford Academy, part of the Ford dealership network in the UK and Ireland, receives an award for taking a strong leadership approach. Their training initiative ‘The Focus on Leadership Programme,’ aims to upskill leaders and help them navigate change in an industry facing considerable disruption. Accredited by the Institute of the Motor Industry and achieving the City & Guilds Assured standard, the programme’s impact is evident in the participants’ dealerships. Notably, promotions for the participants are increasing, and the programme’s popularity is evident from each cohort being oversubscribed, establishing it as a vital part of the Academy curriculum.

Fifty Shades Greener, a Dublin-based sustainability consultancy, is recognised for taking a novel and innovative approach to reducing environmental impact. With just nine team members, the organisation empowers people and organisations to reduce their carbon footprint reduction through behavioural change. Their commitment to action-based learning is evident in their tailored employee induction programme, ‘Green Skills for Life,’ where staff are given multiple opportunities to apply their learning in real-world scenarios. As staff knowledge and numbers have grown, the company has experienced a steady increase in turnover.

Kirstie Donnelly MBE, Chief Executive of City & Guilds said: “It’s encouraging to see such a diverse range of employers continuing to apply for a Princess Royal Training Award. Despite the obvious challenges in recent years, they have shown unwavering dedication to nurturing their workforce through outstanding training and skills development, resulting in a lasting positive impact.

“As skills shortages and job vacancies rise, investing in training and development can help to increase productivity and harness and retain talent for future growth. Not only is this good for business and the workforce – it is also beneficial for wider society and contributes to thriving local economies. These organisations exemplify the transformative power of investing in people, and we are honoured to celebrate their accomplishments.”

For a full list of this year’s recipients and their training programmes please see the 2023 recipients page or you can find out how to apply for The Princess Royal Training Awards 2024 here.


  1. Liz McGivern

    We had tears of joy here in the office this morning with this amazing news! This is such a prestigious accolade and meant so much to us. We were certainly put through our paces by the assessors and we were honest about the toughness of the past few years for us in our industry and the impact on our Management Programme. To have gained the award again meant even more and confirms to us we are still going in the right direction. Thank you to everyone who made this possible for us.

  2. Rebecca Douglas

    We are so thrilled to hear about our award for Fuel at IPG Health Medical Communications! Thanks to all the assessors for their diligent review of our application – we really appreciated your thoughtful questions.

  3. Adele Oxberry

    We at Umbrella Training are proud as punch and thank the Princess Royal Training Awards team for recognising the hard work that goes into our colleague academy. This accolade just puts the cherry on top!

    The assessors were fantastic all the way throughout the process and we are delighted to be awarded such a prestigious award for our efforts.

    Thank you again!

  4. Lesley Wheeler

    Ascot are delighted to have received the notification of an award. We had an amazing Royal Ascot this year which was only achievable from the learning and foundation the team built in 2022. Well done to everyone involved.

  5. Frankie Warry

    Gravitas Recruitment Group are absolutely delighted to have been award a HRH Princess Royal Training Award from the HRH Princess Royal and City & Guild! This is an accolade we hold very close to our hearts and we are over the moon to receive this award for our Senior Consultant Development Programme! Well done to all the other organisations recognised! Thank you!!

  6. Richard Ingram

    Fantastic news to come back to after summer leave! At MKC Training, we are proud of how we used the Government’s Kickstart scheme to provide young people with a first step into employment, and the success the young people have driven across the organisation. Thanks to all those at City & Guilds for the support and guidance throughout the rigorous application process. Can’t wait to receive the Princess Royal Award later in the year!


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