2021, 50-249 employees, Apprenticeships, Manufacturing, Upskilling, West Midlands, Work experience, interns and graduates
- All Recipient Categories
- Application theme
- Application topic
- Organisation location
- Organisation sector
- Organisation size
- Year awarded
- Academy
- BAME focus
- Bespoke training
- Digital
- Green skills / Net zero / ESG
- People with barriers
- Post-covid recovery
- Volunteering
- Women focus
- Work experience, interns and graduates
- Apprenticeships
- Culture
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
- Leadership and Management
- Onboarding
- Talent pipeline / Career pathways
- Upskilling
2016, Apprenticeships, Aviation and defence, North West England, Talent pipeline / Career pathways
1000+ employees, 2023, Culture, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, London, People with barriers, Pharmaceuticals and healthcare, Upskilling
1000+ employees, 2022, Bespoke training, Charities and not-for-profit, North West England, Onboarding
1000+ employees, 2023, Construction and engineering, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Leadership and Management, London, Women focus
1-49 employees, 2023, Charities and not-for-profit, South West, Upskilling, Volunteering
2018, 50-249 employees, Academy, Apprenticeships, North West England, Retail
2017, 50-249 employees, Academy, East of England, Pharmaceuticals and healthcare, Upskilling
2018, 50-249 employees, Apprenticeships, Hospitality, Scotland, Upskilling
1-49 employees, 2023, Education and training, Green skills / Net zero / ESG, Ireland, Onboarding
1000+ employees, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Apprenticeships, BAME focus, Onboarding, Technology, Various locations, Work experience, interns and graduates
1-49 employees, 2021, Digital, Education and training, London, Onboarding, Post-covid recovery