Best Practice in Implementing Early Talent Diversity


Join us for our Virtual Roundtable Event aimed at global and large employers to share best practices on implementing recruitment and retention strategies to achieve Diversity & Inclusion Goals. With a cross-industry focus, the session will explore how these approaches can help to combat future skills shortages many industries are facing. Within the open discussion […]

Supporting young talent into employment through skills-based CSR programmes


Are you interested in learning how CSR programmes can help Skills Development? Join our Employer Virtual Roundtable Join our latest Virtual Roundtable Event to explore how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes can be used to support skills development and employability for people with barriers with entry to employment. Our guest speakers Sally Eley, Director of […]

A practical guide for managing hybrid teams


Hybrid working, where teams work either on site, virtually or some combination of both isn’t new for some organisations. But the scale of change has brought a layer of disruption and uncertainty most have not experienced before. Managers have some fundamental concerns, such as: How do you build/maintain trust in your team? How do you […]

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